Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo and Day of the Dead occur in the same month. Coincidence?

In honor of Día de los Muertos, I thought I would share some of these beautiful paintings by Sylvia Ji. Her work is amazingly rich and gorgeous.

Last year, a friend of mine had a Día de los Muertos party, and it was really fun and turned out beautifully. We painted our faces and put flowers in our hair. She made an altar, and there was a lot of good food.

We wanted to do it again this year, but we were too busy with the massive Halloween/Birthday party that took place in my yard.

Picture-A-Day: The moon is out when I leave work now :(

As I have decided to undertake NaNoWriMo this year, I am going to be very, very stressed and busy. So, I'm probably going to cut back on picture-a day to picture-a-week. At least for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. i love these photos. i have a day of the dead girl on my left forearm and i love explaining to people how it's a part of my culture.

    good luck with nanowrimo!!
