I think it's time to start spending more time with my typewriter. In fact, maybe I'll get a new one and begin my book (which I've been outlining for a few weeks) on it. I love typewriters for their many aesthetic qualities, but also because they are simple, make an enticing and magical sound, and when you are done, there is physical evidence you can hold in your hands rather than digital words on a screen.
Plus, you can drink beverages around them without worry
↑They are portable
↑ They're pretty compact and can fit in small spaces (plus they look good amongst a bit of clutter, which is a plus for my apartment)
↑They need little upkeep, and the accessories come in lovely collectable tins
↑But--and most importantly--their insides wont fry and make a horrible sputter noise/burning odor and leave you bewildered and frantic, pleading with a dark screen,"come back, please come back!" as a laptop will do. Yes, my laptop has gone and died. So there will be little from me in the way of new photos until I figure it out, which makes me very sad indeed. I am going to look on the bright side and say it's time to devote more time to non digital life--such as reading books, using my typewriter, and exploring with my film cameras. But I'm still really sad (I haven't even begun to think about the possibility that I have lost all my photos from the past few years). And of course, just as I was putting serious thought into an external hard drive. Tears.
Listening to
Zoe Boekbinder.